Programmheft APR-JUL 2024:

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所有讲座均为混合式。主讲人将亲临现场;讲座将通过 Zoom 同时在线播放,但不进行录制。

通过 Zoom 参与
如果您希望通过 Zoom 参加讲座,必须事先通过 Zoom 注册。您可以在相应的讲座页面找到注册链接。


您无需注册即可参加我们学院的讲座。可容纳约 25 人。



  • Prof. Tian Xiaofei (Harvard University, currently Münster) Hybrid
    The Turning Point: A Model of Becoming in Early Medieval Chinese Autobiographic Writings
    Tue, 28. May 18.00 - 19.30 o'clock

    To the event

  • Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer (Uni Bonn) Hybrid
    Erinnerungspolitische Wende? Wie Chinas Vergangenheit uminterpretiert und infrastrukturalisiert wird
    Thu, 06. June 18.00 - 19.30 o'clock

    To the event

  • Dr. phil. Chiara Bocci (LMU München / Leipzig) Hybrid
    Historia Natural en Caracteres Sinicos: Die früheste Übersetzung des Shanhai jing 山海經 („Buch der Berge und Meere“) von José Villanueva (OSA), Manila, 1787
    Tue, 11. June 18.00 - 19.30 o'clock

    To the event

  • Prof. Eugenio Menegon (Boston U.) Hybrid
    The Matriarch, the Duchess, the Queen, and the Countess: Aristocratic Patronesses of the Chinese Catholic Mission
    Tue, 25. June 18.00 - 19.30 o'clock

    To the event
